Canadian Medical Association

Drs Ross and Reimer standing side by side together in Ottawa

Our presidents

The CMA presidents, elected by members, speak on behalf of the medical profession to media, government officials and partner organizations. The role is currently held by Dr. Kathleen Ross from BC and Dr. Joss Reimer from Manitoba.

Our board of directors

Our work is driven by a board of directors made up of physicians, two medical learners and a non-physician member.

Our executive leadership team

Learn more about the team that oversees the CMA’s day-to-day operations and implements the strategic direction set out by our board.

Our committees

A number of committees support our governance and overall activities, from recruiting and securing candidates for our leadership positions to overseeing our financial management.

See highlights from past CMA Board of Directors’ meetings:

Our group of companies

CMA Impact Inc.

CMA Impact Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of the CMA. The CMA Impact board is responsible for overseeing its business and operations in alignment with the CMA’s strategy.

CMA Foundation

The CMA Foundation provides impactful charitable giving to registered Canadian charities that further excellence in health care and support Canadian physicians and medical learners.

Our publications

The CMAJ Group issues a range of publications, including CMAJ, Canada’s leading peer-reviewed medical journal. Learn about our commitment to upholding the editorial independence of our publications.

Our collaborators

Provincial/territorial medical associations

We work closely with the provincial/territorial medical associations, sharing key priorities and uniting with them at the national level to tackle common challenges and amplify one another’s work.

Affiliates, associated societies and observer organizations

Our collaborative relationships with national specialty and special-interest physician organizations help to strengthen our work by providing focused input on issues, policies and initiatives.

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